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The UMA website also advises against 'stacking', though it is unclear whether a request to vote or nominate a candidate - or even mentioning that a particular work had been nominated - would constitute such action. Their definition includes 'works of a predominantly sexual nature, or which include explicit sexual situations involving characters which may be underage or non-anthropomorphic animals.' While nominees and winners will still be chosen by popular vote, the Anthropomorphic Literature and Arts Association intends to block material they deem 'obscene, libelous, or otherwise detrimental to the integrity and good standing of the Ursa Major Awards and the anthropomorphics fandom.' But new rules intended to safeguard the reputation of the Awards and its sponsoring events will exclude works which won nomination in previous years. Nominations have begun for the 2009 Ursa Major Awards, furry fandom's popular award for excellence in published works. Best Magazine nominee Softpaw #4 would be excluded today

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